Thomas Fromont
Thomas Fromont
Vulkan DLL should be bundled with your graphic card drivers. First check that your GPU does have support for Vulkan Graphic API, and then check your drivers are up to...
I ran the release AUR executable with forced validation, and here is what it sayed. ``` VK_INSTANCE_LAYERS=VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation /usr/bin/vulkanCapsViewer VUID-vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR-surface-parameter(ERROR / SPEC): msgNum: -566353962 - Validation Error: [ VUID-vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR-surface-parameter ] Object...
That will do the trick, but definitely not a solution, the issue still need to be addressed. Thank you for the quick fix !
Got myself the AUR vulkan-caps-viewer-bin that is a prebuilt executable using X11 and is working. I'll try too look into this issue.
I've tested a input model with `942` vertices and 1560 triangles (FBX format). The output of YOGA is a GLTF file with a `4680` vertices and 1560 triangles model. Then...
I tried a simple cube: original have `8` vertices and 12 triangles. exported with YOGA, I get `36` vertices and 12 triangles. gltfpack gives `24` vertices and 12 triangles.
It looks like there should be some fixes to do in assimp too... But that's another topic. In terms of vertices optimization, results are looking good. What do you think...
Not sure how to fix Windows tests, ${dir} translate as a path like this one : ``` D:\a\lint-action\lint-action\test\tmp\clippy/src/ ``` And clippy output the path like this : ``` D:\\a\\lint-action\\lint-action\\test\\tmp\\clippy\\src\\ ```
I will try to fix the windows behavior in the next days