Thomas Fromont
Thomas Fromont
Can you run it with debugger to see where it comes from ? it's always a good way to find a bug. I can see a thing from the code...
Okay, can you modify the glfw initialization step like this : ``` void HTA::initWindow() { if (!glfwInit()) { exit -1; } glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CLIENT_API, GLFW_NO_API); glfwWindowHint(GLFW_RESIZABLE, GLFW_FALSE); window = glfwCreateWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT, "Vulkan...
I just tested your exemple, and I did not get any error, so I suggest you verify if your installation is correct: GLFW is installed as a library and a...
It's odd, I also developed some Vulkan programs on an Arch machine and never had this behavior. Are the examples running ? like `vulkaninfo` or `vkcube`
Maybe I could give an hand with testing as I have a double GPU configuration (2 same cards).
If so, I will need a lot more exercising before producing anything :smile:
I can't remember where it is explained, but if I recall correctly, this is because OpenGL has not the same image coordinates convention as Vulkan, and GLM was made for...
Found the explanation: near the end
Hi, The tutorial was recently updated with a big change in how we record and use command buffers, the french translation is not up to date yet. I'm trying to...
Maybe I'm concerned about the volume of changes to address, my though was to have simpler way of translating for any translator, new or not. I'll try to work with...