Matthieu Rosinski
Matthieu Rosinski
Added serialization support by adding `BloomFilter.from_bytes` method as well as `BitField#to_bytes`. So we can dump a bloomfilter data/options to any format we want using serialized data generated by `Bitfield#to_bytes` and...
Hello, This PR fixes some tests for newer rubies / rspec by using `be false` instead of `be_false` and `be true` instead of `be_true` I still got 4 spec failing...
*Issue #, if available:* *Description of changes:* Allow to specifiy a MIN_SHARD_COUNT environment variable. It's value will prevent the lambda to scale down the stream to less than MIN_SHARD_COUNT shards...
*Description of changes:* The lambda updates Cloudwatch alarms when scaling the stream, but does not honor the provided SCALE_PERIOD_MINS environment variable to configure alarm period (it has a hardcoded value...