Anyone??Why noone talks when is Mqtt in question??
When i say loop i mean all the effects is bruh to go trough a loop..one then after 5 mins another the a other..all of them 15 lets say..and then...
If you can just lead me with the first stage in HA then i can just copy the rest Oliver Kostov On Dec 6, 2017 8:05 PM, "Joeboyc2" wrote: >...
When i replace both in .yaml in HA i get error when HA starts. That is the only place to change input_ slider to input_ number?
I do have state topic but dont know how to work with HA or mqtt..like hiw to start/stop led via mqtt? How to make it loop all effects instead me...
ok so where is the code WITH new added effects??
PLease,please lead the blind man. Which code goes where
So I just remove the whole old code and add the new one from your file or I'm just adding stuff from the new code into the old one
Not that i understood your last comment... I just add the "new effects" in my HA config.yaml and esp file just tree place the whole code with your code. Is...
i got 1 strip (planing to add 2 more) so thats 300 LEDs so far i discovered : inoise8mover-only one side lights easing-doesn't go even half a strip dotbeat-light on...