Alexander Kleinjohann
Alexander Kleinjohann
Hi! In this minimal example, the problem is actually that the spiketrains do not have a sampling rate. The `Synchrotool` assumes that the spiketrains are actually discrete and that all...
This error can however also be caused by 1. `(t_stop - t_start) % sampling_rate != 0` which means that not the entire period of the spike train will be binned...
Thanks for opening this, I was about to bring it up, too. To me, linking `SpikeTrain`s to `AnalogSignal`s is an important use-case. As of now, the only way to take...
> I wonder if the huge slowdown is the cumulative overhead of calling BlackrockIO's inefficient lazy loading of spiketrains 100k+ times. I'm assuming that with lazy=False the file is read...
Hi Samuel, thanks for having a look! I added a flag for the amplitudes as well.