Qiaole He

Results 8 comments of Qiaole He

cf. the definition of subsection that Prof. Chen introduced (... \vspace{-0.2em})

change it to `\def\cvprsubsect#1{\cvprsubsection{\hskip -1em.~#1 }\vspace{-0.2em}}`

There are two options. a) You can use your own bibliography bst file. If you do not know how to generate, please my blog https://kingdomhe.wordpress.com/2017/12/02/%e5%a6%82%e4%bd%95%e8%87%aa%e5%ae%9a%e4%b9%89-bibtex-%e7%9a%84%e5%8f%82%e8%80%83%e6%96%87%e7%8c%ae%e6%a0%bc%e5%bc%8f-bst-%e6%96%87%e4%bb%b6-how-to-generate-a-customized-bst-file/ b) or just use a...

setup via the xeCJKsetup when you load the xeCJK package `\usepackage{xeCJK} \xeCJKsetup{ CheckSingle=true, % 孤字检查 AutoFallBack=true, % 生僻字 AutoFakeBold=false, % 不使用伪粗体,因为会很难看 AutoFakeSlant=true} % 伪斜体 } ` I personally only set...

As for the doi issue, the naive way to solve is that you can just delete the doi entries in your reference.bib file. As for the cite manner, cf the...

first load the ctex package with the [utf8, fontset=none] options then further setup with ctexset, change the fontset to a value supported by your local computer font-cache `\usepackage[UTF8, fontset=none]{ctex} %...

I can not load the "image". Are you familiar with "latex makebst" command? Do you mean the following the citation manner? ![2020-04-13-181142_1007x198_scrot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12897990/79112950-6166d000-7db2-11ea-86af-837800209c1e.png)

` \bibliographystyle{elsarticle-num-names} \bibliography{references} ` replace the references with your own "reference.bib" file; replace the elsarticle-num-names with your own bst file