iNSFC copied to clipboard
环境 OSX 10.11 mactex 2017
\indent {\bfseries \NsfcNote{#1}}\NsfcNote{\setmainfont{KaiTi}#2} \vspace{9bp} \indent \NsfcNote{\setmainfont{KaiTi} #1.}{\bfseries\NsfcNote{#2}}\NsfcNote{#3}
没有KaiTi, 也没有Kai, 只有STKaiti或者别的字体
first load the ctex package with the [utf8, fontset=none] options then further setup with ctexset, change the fontset to a value supported by your local computer font-cache
`\usepackage[UTF8, fontset=none]{ctex} % 显式指定 uft8 编码选项
fontset=windowsnew, % new, fandol, adobe, ubuntu, windowsold, mac, macold, macnew ...
punct=quanjiao, % banjiao, kaiming, CCT
autoindent=true, % false
today=small, % big, old
space=auto, % true, false
% linespread,
% zihao,
% heading,
% scheme,
} `
The workaround recommended by the author is not a decent way.