
Results 142 comments of KillyMXI

Would it make sense to write a pattern for that ROM structure? I guess the knowledge about this encoding can be incorporated in the pattern and you will be able...

Windhex - - this one? I haven't started using patterns myself yet. I think you can hardcode the start address for interesting data to avoid reversing the whole structure....

I believe minimap and raw image are similar but distinct features. Minimap is good for navigation, Raw image is good to figure out the format of known data (but unknown...

Rehype uses Parse5 internally, which is already supported. Except it also translates the AST from Parse5's format to [hast]( I wonder if that alone justifies the addition.

Oh. Looks like it was premature for me to come up with suggestions based merely on theoretical experience. Glad it does more. But I think it also exposes the issue...

> It is very sophisticated, it's description would have to be a long text that I know very few people would read, if any. I got an impression it misses...

I now have a couple of my deno packages public and it seems denoify can't automatically find them: Checking `denoify.out` should solve that. I'm not sure at what...

Unless @evanplaice will take care of this project again or someone will pick it up and continue development in a fork, some alternative is needed. looks good, with the...

I think I got a very related issue. coverage action: ```yml - name: Publish coverage results uses: paambaati/[email protected] env: CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID: ${{ secrets.CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID }} with: coverageCommand: npm run cover coverageLocations: |...

This issue looks like solving *y = f(x)* for *x* given *y*. It only has unique solution for [monotonic]( strictly increasing (or strictly decreasing) continuous functions. Few cases to consider...