Kilian Leon Kleemann

Results 10 issues of Kilian Leon Kleemann

Hello, I downloaded the mm10 index from Bowtie2 website and ran Everything seems to run fine until the end when it just says "failed to build and index" Building...

Tried installing SCP with devtools. I have python 3.10

Hi Everyone, Not sure but I started getting this error after trying to re-install Clusterprofiler. Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘clusterProfiler’ in loadNamespace(j = 3.23.2 is required I...

- [x] Paste your deepTools version (`deeptools --version`) and your python version (`python --version`) below. deeptools 3.5.4 python 3.10.12 - [x] Paste the full deepTools command that produces the issue...

Hi, I'm getting this error message after executing quant: one of the commands exited with non-zero exit code; note that snakemake uses bash strict mode! Do you have any...

/Users/kiliankleemann/SalmonTE/salmon/darwin/bin/salmon quant -i /Users/kiliankleemann/SalmonTE/reference/mm -l A -r /var/folders/p1/w5vpt8z97n3f8xvc8kzc87nc0000gn/T/tmpvc3znywe/DE12NGSUKBR137309_1.fastq.gz -o /Volumes/OhneTitel/Anne_BMDM_try_August_2023/SalmonTE_output/DE12NGSUKBR137309_1 -p 4 2>/dev/null (one of the commands exited with non-zero exit code; note that snakemake uses bash strict mode!)

Tried to run talon_initialize_database but got an error: ``` talon_initialize_database --f reference/GRCh38_GENCODE_rmsk_TE_reformatted.gtf \ --g hg38_rmsk_ucsd \ --a hg38 \ --o hg38 chrY bulk update genes... bulk update gene_annotations... Traceback (most...

tried running telescope on single cell data but getting this error: telescope: error: unrecognized arguments: --barcode_tag CB --stranded_mode RF

I#m having trouble to understand the naming convention of samples. Some cell lines have missing replicates (e.g. only 1,5,6) and some replicates have only run1 or run2. Would greatly appreciate...

I tried: aws s3 sync --no-sign-request s3://sg-nex-data/data/sequencing_data_ont/fastq/sample_name . but there is no download happening? Not sure what I#m missing.