Kiara Grouwstra

Results 108 comments of Kiara Grouwstra

Worse, it doesn't seem like they've released it. :(

this would appear an issue particularly for [LibreWolf](, where `resistFingerprinting` appears to be enabled by default. might there be a way we could fix Vimium-FF to work as expected even...

in that event, looking at where that puts us: - `Alt+D` was ergonomic to the fingers, but seems out under `resistFingerprinting` - `Ctrl+L` would still work, but seems less ergonomic...

as per #3200, this may relate to `resistFingerprinting`

> I have the same issue, it consistently freezes the last sub on the screen when switching video files. The only workaround I found is to power cycle the chromecast...

disnet on gitter: "as long as your macro forms “look” like normal ES6 code you can pass it through TS/babel first just fine". Trying out a `ts -> babel ->...

> I'm sure that there's lots of things that sweet is using that would be anywhere from inconvenient to impossible to do with the TS representation Would you mind elaborating...

Regarding TypeScript as "some babel modules + compilation errors" for a second, I'm getting the impression that, in a similar vein as you've mentioned, existing babel modules essentially represent ES-next...

To expand on my earlier comment, if all ES-next proposals would require non-trivial reimplementations as macros, I suppose that means Sweet would essentially be competing with Babel for features added....

> What would be super helpful though is taking a look at the shift-spec and proposing what nodes we should add/change to support annotations. For reference, TS [AST nodes](