Kiara Grouwstra

Results 87 comments of Kiara Grouwstra


[potential workaround]( possible now: separately add a flake input for `nixpkgs-unfree`

as others linked here might wonder as well, what might be alternatives for `shadow` (/ `passwd`)? perhaps as a bonus question: is there a way one might check if such...

i would love to see this merged as well

looks like you [can use this already]( using e.g. an overlay, altho i had a bit of trouble getting it to work out of the box. specifically, without adding `doCheck...

it would seem cool to similarly get an approach using `nix run`, i.e. go from suggesting `nix-shell -p ponysay --run "ponysay moo"` to `nix run nixpkgs#ponysay -- moo` - this...

@thenbe i agree integrating with `nix-index`'s `command-not-found` replacement seems cool, as a flake user. i kinda wish we could have `command-not-found` (and this `thefuck` integration) [extend to flake inputs beyond...

just tried these with a command like `program_i_have | program_i_dont_have`, seems that may complicate the suggestions a bit

@thenbe hm, i'm not sure. ``` fortune | cowsay The program 'cowsay' is not in your PATH. It is provided by several packages. You can make it available in an...