Justin van der Leij
Justin van der Leij
I have added both of you games to the readme. I'll leave this issue open for when others would like to contribute as well.
Works like a charm when using [unions for error handling](https://sachee.medium.com/200-ok-error-handling-in-graphql-7ec869aec9bc). Would like to see it merged into the library. Cheers!
Then look up how many watts your PC is consuming running at full speed, and see the costs of electricity to be less happy :D
I happen to be getting back into Lua recently, also making a game with Concord, and I am noticing some pain points that really make me want to continue work...
I agree with all your points and foresee how to include them all in Overture elegantly :) The only thing that I'm still unsure about is system ordering. I agree...
About components as strings: I _would_ be for using the objects/classes itself _if_ those IDE tools actually worked propery. I've found that with Lua you can't really rename a symbol...