Kevin Ransom (msft)

Results 69 comments of Kevin Ransom (msft)

The F# compiler can already compile a script to make an exe. Is there something else that is required?

@OkayX6 Hmmm!!! that's not great at all. I believe it is actually a bug in the VS Extensibility Platform You should at least see three sub headings: Data, General and...

On twitter apparently there is a fix: ![untitled](

@kerams nullness checking is my personal biggest want, I find dealing with nulls only because of C#/VB interop a pita. However, that is on @dsyme and he is a busy...

@smoothdeveloper I don't think so, but it is a neat idea.

sdk publishes them, and given that, I have no idea how they could mess that up.

Okay, I believe I know what this is. It highlighted a bug in the sdk publish process that caused them to not update the package in the upload cache. I...

Okay ... In SDK 6.0.401 we shipped FSharp.Core 6.0.6. We backported a change for the 6.0.402 SDK but failed to rev the nuget package version. When we shipped the 6.0.402...

I will take a look shortly. Pretty sure it's not a setup issue.