Results 5 issues of Keuronde

Hi, I try to use Pinion because I was impress by the tool. And I do like it, since I take the time to write an article about it (in...

Hi, From the documentation, the link to the Python Package ( seems to be dead. Same for the link ( but this one is not in the documentation anymore.

Update usage of libhid-dev to libusb-dev in readme Remove 'strip' command in the makefile, couldn't make it work for arm. Executable tested OK on Raspberry Pi Zero

I just install the v3.0 and git it a try! I was able to generate the template, but not the output. I tried with two boards: ``` $ pinion generate...

When trying to generate the template of the footprint AMASS_XT60-M_1x02_P7.20mm_Vertical, the component seems to be rotated by 180° while the document border seems to be correct Command run `./scripts/ footprint...