Hi Yaqwsx, Thanks for your answer. I did try : `pip3 install git+` But I got an error when running : `pinion generate -b carte.kicad_pcb -s carte_tmpl_git.yml web2/` The error...
Hi yaqwsx, I finally took the time to test it. In the installation section, the link to the pre-built nightly package ( is broken... Sorry to bother you !
Hi yaqwsx, One more issue, when trying to install pinion-latest, I got the following error : pip3 install pinion-latest.whl pinion-latest.whl is not a valid wheel filename. I renamed it Pinion-0.1.0+22.g00654f4.dirty.dist-py3-none-any.whl...
@mfaccin To get the "good" name of the package, you need to open it with a zip tool, and get the name of the folder ".dist-info" and rename your whl...
Hey @mfaccin This morning, I try and got 404 when trying to download the file. This afternoon, everything seem fine... With pip install Pinion-0.1.0+33.g5f6607b.dirty.dist-py3-none-any.whl
I had a similar issue, I deleted all feeds which were not found and it's better now ! With 4 feeds in error, it tooks 65 seconds to display the...
@yaqwsx : Sorry to bother you again, but I tried to make another diagram and current released package is broken with actual dependencies. I would like to build a package...
Can you either explain me how you make your package or create this package?
Hi yaqwsx, I just try the new version and got a typeError... I really would like to build a package, don't you have any instruction (otherwise, I will compare what's...
Well, the previous description wasn't very accurate. Step to reproduce the issue. 1. create a new kicad project 2. create a board (call it board.kicad_pcb) with edgecut and one connector...