From Stephen W today: > The inability to fail a sample in Limber post sequencing or after the next step in the process does not seem like an issue, as...
I moved this to the sequencescape repo as I think the main (only?) changes needed will be in the 'foreign barocodes' section (`barcode.rb` and `format_handlers.rb`).
Moving this to UAT column to check if it's still an issue
Split out CGaP and FluidX barcodes into a new issue, as waiting for info from Liz and David on whether to update those. https://github.com/sanger/sequencescape/issues/3256
Confluence page describing what was done - https://ssg-confluence.internal.sanger.ac.uk/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=122295607
Update from Sameena, 27/05/2022: > From the BioResource point of view, we require ideally DPL-248 but not sure what the resource requirement and dependencies are for this requirement. DPL-247 is...
Script: ``` samples = Sample.joins(:sample_metadata).where('sample_metadata.consent_withdrawn = 0 AND sample_metadata.date_of_consent_withdrawn IS NOT NULL') samples.each do |s| s.sample_metadata.update!(date_of_consent_withdrawn: nil, user_id_of_consent_withdrawn: nil) end ```
I tested the sample manifest upload, and looked through the code, and couldn't find anywhere else that the consent withdrawn user and timestamp could be erroneously introduced.
This is no longer needed: It looks like Sequencescape has behaved as expected here - the data is correct. If you look at the plate summary view - http://sequencescape.psd.sanger.ac.uk/plate_summaries/DN604426K -...
Q's answered by Stef 08/07/21: 1. The flags for