Are you using close buttons? `ultima.xstyle.closetabsbutton` specifically. But it should be off by default from what I understand in fresh install, so hmm. Could you download previous version if it...
I would like to have it too, like this: 1. You have normal vertical bar auto expand on hover 2. On some hotkey press, the panel would expand nonetheless of...
Ok, confirmed it in test bed repo, it works well, even animating transition is somewhat possible. The only challenge would be to implement it in this theme, but I can...
Okay, branch `userchrome-toogler` has this functionality implemented for testing purpose, if anyone would want to check it out. Also, it appears that autohide is broken with tabs width set to...
Okay, branch `userchrome-toggler` has this functionality implanted for testing purposes. In order to use it, you must download [this](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/userchrome-toggle/) extension first. The default shortcut for toggling the vertical bar is...
Sorry, misclicked completed somehow, didn't notice earlier. The feature is still in development. If you want to test it out, check above.
Well, I used !important to simply test things out without care for hierarchy. Maybe it could integrate better with existing code. Conditional support for it, maybe.
> > Well, I used !important to simply test things out without care for hierarchy. Maybe it could integrate better with existing code. Conditional support for it, maybe. > >...
For anyone wanting tab ordering with this theme, albeit keyboard one, check this [extension](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/move-tab-hotkeys/). I know this will not entirely replace mouse dragging, but there is only so much we...
Can you post a screenshot of how it at least looks on Mac? In my understanding, no dev here has mac, so it will be hard doing it blindly, but...