Henry Kim

Results 15 comments of Henry Kim

특정 점에서의 특정 점까지의 최단 거리를 구하는 알고리즘을 dijkstra라고 하니, 최종적으로는 동일하지 않을까 싶네요. 그런데 저는 이 문제 모든 정점의 페어에 대한 최단거리를 구해야하니 floyd-warshall 로 푸는게 깔끔하다고 생각합니다.

이해됐습니다 설명 감사합니다 가중치가 1이니 prioirty queue 는 불필요한 overhead네요 동의합니다

This is the very first time I create Pull Request to vuejs, If description is bad, please let me know. then I'll edit.

Nice to point out mistake! files of packages directory are made by build, right?

@posva When it will be merged? it was reviewed over 1 year ago.

@posva @yyx990803 When it will be merged? 🤔 I've seen release 2.7 was released.

Thank you for proposal! By the way, people could mistake using v-if more than once instead of using v-else-if.

@andacistan No, I want to actually use slot using shorthand. :) It does not need to name id