Charm icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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The Cross-Platform Time Tracker

Results 80 Charm issues
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Tasks should get a "source" property that allows to store whether a task was synced from, say, lotsofcake or created manually. It should contain the lotofcake URL for tasks imported...

Feature Request

Instead of remembering locally which timesheets have been submitted (which fails when more than one installation is used), retrieve the information from lotsofcake directly, using its REST API.

Feature Request

For some settings, QSettings is used, some settings are stored in the Charm.db directly ("metadata"). What's where doesn't always seem to make sense. The Bill Lumbergh reminder option for example...

I have the tendency to ignore Lumbergh when I suspect my time sheets being in bad shape. Mental spam filter on nag screens from old '90 times I suspect. Maybe...

Feature Request

So far we stuck to Qt4 on Linux because Qt5 had issues on Linux desktops, especially when it comes to window management/systray integration (misplaced icon on Unity, for example). We...


Tray icons offered by Charm have a very low resolution (22x22 max). They tend to look bad compared to other Plasma icons in the tray. See screenshot: Could we...

Feature Request

Would be handy if the app could communicate with Office and Lync, in order to automatically create tasks according the user's calendar and Lync/Skype activities.

Feature Request

I would love to have global shortcuts for charm to: - open Time Tracker Window (and maybe a shortcut by window, ie 3) - stop - start a task (while...


The first time i open charm it creates the config file in ~/.config/KDAB/Charm.conf. If then i close it by hitting ctrl-c in the terminal i opened it in, i cannot...


To not update debian.rules with each version - you can try (donno if that works on OBS): ``` include /usr/share/dpkg/ DEB_CMAKE_EXTRA_FLAGS = -DCharm_VERSION=$(DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM) ``` also cdbs is not more recommend...
