Mickael V
Mickael V
Hi, As many I would love to see OpenAPI v3 supported ; for now I am stuck with Express since v3 is a requirement of mine. Is there any work...
Sure. I will when I'm home, as I can't push here because of the proxy
Hi @Kaash, I am currently on the same path as you, looking for an automation tool that we can use in my team. Globally I hit the same wall as...
Hello @yunhaoling, I am the original poster of this issue and I want to tell you I am currently trying to migrate to the v7 of the SDK and I...
Oh wow I spent all day looking for something like this or the old ServiceBusClient.mgmt_client. That is very helpful, thank you very much !
Well I'm using it locally for about a week now, and I'm happy about it, but I'm not sure it should be default, mainly because the list of episodes in...
@maartenba Now that Visual Studio for Mac has been officially retired, do you think maybe this could be discussed with MS, at least regarding an exception for Rider on MacOS...