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Added the type "allrecommandedepisodes" to include unwatched episodes…
… of shows not in progress
Typical "recommanded episodes" gives you the first unwatched episode of all the shows that are in progress ; but it's missing two things to help keep up with a big show collection : pilots of new shows, and new seasons when you don't keep the old ones (and as a result have no progress on them on a fresh scan or after a cleanup)
So I added the "allrecommandedepisodes" that extends the normal one
Thx, this is an useful addition. I am only wondering wether we should replace the old recommended episodes with this one.
EDIT: or making it a setting with default to on
Well I'm using it locally for about a week now, and I'm happy about it, but I'm not sure it should be default, mainly because the list of episodes in the widget can become a bit long (I went from 14 recommanded eps to 43) so for someone who just wants to keep with their "progress" it could be a problem.
But yes, in my case I WANT to also follow the new stuff, and I don't keep old seasons, so for example the old system wouldn't recommand me Walking Dead 701.
Also before (maybe) being the default option, it still needs some polishing, which I'm working on :
- It currently doesn't refresh when you scan the source for new content, not before a restart of Kodi
- I think it should be sorted, because it's currently random order and is a hassle with a lot of eps. Maybe a sort either by date or "last watched shows" would be better
I'm voting for not having this as default. Otherwise, my list would get populated with all the serieses I'm planning to watch, but haven't started, yet.
I use the recommended episodes just for keeping up to date with a couple of my shows and don't want it to get unmaintainable huge.