Justin Aiken

Results 11 issues of Justin Aiken

Instead of opening up a new tab in my active window, it seems to pick one at random...


If anyone is interested, we've taken this excellent script, and expanded it into a full gem with a few more capabilities : - Project: https://github.com/mojolingo/es-reindex / - Gem: https://rubygems.org/gems/es-reindex Thanks...

Let's say you have this hypothetical order controller: ``` class OrderController < ApplicationController load_and_authorize_resource :user load_and_authorize_resource :payment_method, through: :user def new ... end end ``` You want the User to...

After putting in my API token, it immediately crashed, and now crashes on startup: ### Console.log ``` 11/24/15 9:22:06.245 AM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (io.nolan.eoin.SeaEye.253152[10687]) Service exited due to signal: Illegal instruction: 4...

``` Downloading neo4j-9.4.0 revealed dependencies not in the API or the lockfile (neo4j-community (~> 2.0)). Either installing with `--full-index` or running `bundle update neo4j` should fix the problem. ``` -...

Support for this operator was added in https://github.com/atom/language-ruby/pull/125, but I think it should be classified different: - `punctuation.separator.method.ruby` - (what it is now) ![puncuation](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1568662/18679373/9e90300e-7f1c-11e6-9e7a-ec600cc8c03d.png) - `keyword.operator.logical.ruby` - This really makes...


If I use the Vagrant Status command in a proj with multiple VMs, I get no popup, and see this in the Sublime console: ``` /usr/bin/vagrant status Current machine states:...

> Some things are better left unsaid > Some strings are better left undone > Some hearts are better left unbroken > Some social media is better left unhashtagged This...

It would be nice if you could choose either `-wc` or just `-c` based on preference.
