Junsheng Fu
Junsheng Fu
Are you able to run my demo, e.g. the test image and video I provided?
Calibrate your camera. I use hard-coded values for my camera setup. And my transformation is not suitable for yours, see your bird-view as an example: if your camera is calibrated,...
please read https://github.com/JunshengFu/driving-lane-departure-warning#3-how-to-run-the-code and https://github.com/JunshengFu/driving-lane-departure-warning#3-use-perspective-transform-to-see-the-image-in-bird-view
https://github.com/JunshengFu/driving-lane-departure-warning#3-use-perspective-transform-to-see-the-image-in-bird-view If you did above step right, you should already see the correct bird view.
@wn13083405221 sure, what specific problem you have when you run my code?
Hi @zhangxue123 I only have tested my pipeline in ubuntu 16.04 but not in Windows yet. Since I don't have a windows pc for work, I might not able to...
@wenbowen123 I use pre-trained weight Please see in the README.md file: 3. How to run the code (1) Download weights for YOLO
@rdeng2614 I haven't tested it in the VirtualBox. It seems like you have not installed all dependencies correctly. If you could, it might be a good idea to use anaconda...
@rdeng2614 if demo1 works, then the demo 2 is just applying it in a sequence of frames. You don't have to use GPU.
@rdeng2614 Currently, Ubuntu 16.04 is the only operating system I have here at the moment. If I can't reproduce the error, it is difficult for me to debug your platform...