
Results 9 issues of JunjieLiuSWU

You claim that this repository include PLUMENet, but here is not.

Test files and pre-trained models, you can Inference a single images and see the result. [https://github.com/JunjieLiuSWU/LaneDetection_End2End](https://github.com/JunjieLiuSWU/LaneDetection_End2End) ![new_output](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/50912231/115118120-64535c80-9fd4-11eb-89af-8a430cda8ef4.png)

I found that the motion of objects in the code is 3-Dof, but the paper claims that it estimates 6-Dof motion of objects. So where is the 6-Dof motion estimation...

Hello, there is "VoxelBackBone4x" in lidar model configs, but use "VoxelBackBone4xNoFinalBnReLU" in LIGA. why is that?

Hello. Could you provide the files after executing match_kitti_imu.py?

Hello, thank you for your sharing. I trained from scratch on your provided Cityscapes data for 20 epochs, but I got a worse result than manydepth, I wonder is DynamicDepth...

Hi, Occlusion-aware Cost Volume is proposed in your paper, but I didn't find where it is implemented in the code, could you show me about it?

https://github.com/Megvii-BaseDetection/BEVDepth/blob/main/bevdepth/layers/backbones/base_lss_fpn.py#L527 Hello, Why not using detach() to depth when multiplying discrete depth with features, if depth is detached, only depth loss will be backward to depth net, and detection loss...

For KITTI-360 data, What is the starting coordinate of the bev map? I mean the bev map's left border coordinate, The bev maps contain real-world distance relationships, so the start...