Julie Varisellaz
Julie Varisellaz
I'm not against moving this section to the devdocs. It seems to target tech users indeed. Regarding the renaming of the page, I think we should ask the SEO team...
@MatShir We should modify the existing modal's body message as follow: 'To avoid any cache issues during the upgrade: - Put your store in maintenance mode - Do not open...
Hi, I've updated the wording in the original comment. ☺️
@khouloudbelguith You're right, let's replace the wording with "Upload" to stay consistent. Thanks!
Maybe it would be better to put it in Admin.Catalog.Notification if it only appears on the Product page?
> > Question before merge to @PrestaShop/prestashop-maintainers : Can we add new strings in patch version ? > > Hi @Julievrz interesting question can you help us? Hi :) We...
Hi @Hlavtox What do you think of taking inspiration from the "When out of stock" section just below on the page? Here's an example: Also, what do you think of...
> @Julievrz Yes, we could add the link. But I wanted to specifically name it "stock behavior" or "how to calculate stock", because right now it just says how the...
Also I don't understand the difference between "Damaged" and "B-grade", I think we could have only 1 label like "New with defects"
> @Julievrz Damaged - dents, scratches from shipping or bad handling B - grade/Second - items with manufacturing defects, bad paint, misaligned parts that didn't pass inspection as good quality...