I have just re-opened this ticket as the code has not been committed to main. FYI @elnyry-sam-k
Note from sprint planning: existing tests: https://github.com/mojaloop/ml-core-test-harness/tree/main/packages/k6-tests Existing tests need to be run against vNext. This work is part of the performance workstream.
Hi @pedrosousabarreto, just wondering if you had the chance to look at this ticket?
Hi @pthandar, could you please provide an update to this ticket?
Hello @bushjames and @TW-Ei-Nghon-Phoo can I understand why this has been put at the top of the backlog?
This ticket should be done already - meeting to be organised between @elnyry-sam-k and @hsuyeemon-tw
Hi @bushjames , this should be an epic on its own. Could you please convert the ticket and also add format the ticket as per agreed? Thanks!
@bushjames , can I understand how this ticket is different from ticket 3840?/What the difference in scope between the two tickets?
Note: 1. There is also a performance workstream addressing current issues. 2. The performance team may not know vNext have a dependency on their work
Note from sprint planning: For performance tests, the performance testing team is using Tracestate https://github.com/mojaloop/mojaloop-specification/blob/master/fspiop-api/documents/Tracing%20v1.0.md#table-4--data-model-for-tracestate-list-member-values https://github.com/mojaloop/mojaloop-specification/blob/master/fspiop-api/documents/Tracing%20v1.0.md Note: probably the specs need to be reviewed as well and perhaps specs need...