Hell, thanks for your comment. I am guessing you are referring to the old settlement report. Is that correct? FIY @koekiebox
Hello, as agreed before, tickets should be closed in sprint review, so moving it to done. Thanks
Hello, Thanks for your comment Can I check the following please: - which definition will need to be updated?/ have the definition documents been updated? - @PaulMakinMojaloop , are you...
@PaulMakinMojaloop is this requirement coming from you?
Hi @pedrosousabarreto , was this implemented? Thanks!
Hi @PaulMakinMojaloop , could you please add more requirements in this epic? I recalled we discussed this in one of the product council meeting.
Hi @elnyry-sam-k , as discussed, can you please create an epic for performance, link this ticket to the epic and then move the ticket to the backlog? Thanks!
Hi @TW-Ei-Nghon-Phoo, can I please understand the status this ticket? Thanks!
Hi @elnyry-sam-k, could you please add more details on this one and create user stories for the functionalities missing to support this use case? Thanks
Sam to translate the beta report into user stories/tasks so that we can understand what is missing