ConfParser.jl copied to clipboard
Julia package for parsing configuration files
The usage of `getkey` here is a roundabout way of writing `haskey`. This computes one fewer hash and avoids the use of `getkey`, an obscure function that is rarely useful...
This allows to get updates for GitHub actions automatically. I have used this for my own packages, the [Trixi.jl framework](, and the [SciML organization]( After merging this, you could also...
Values containing commas are always split into an array. I wish there was a way to escape commas or treat the whole value as a literal? e,g. key="a, b, c"...
I don't understand why Issue #12 was closed. Why can't we just strip the values as in the following? It seems to work fine even with comma separated values ```...
This PR adds the ability to request a `Dict(s::ConfParse)` which just retrieves the internally stored dict. `Dict(s::ConfParse)` and `convert` are the two methods I guess most users would try if...
The parser retrieves values like "1e-3" as `String`s rather than `Float64` variables, at least in the case of "INI" files.
If an INI file has a section named `[General]`, then calling `var = retrieve(conf, "General", "var")` will cause an exception (since the dictionary field of `conf` will have "general" as...