ConfParser.jl copied to clipboard
Whitespaces in INI files
I don't understand why Issue #12 was closed.
Why can't we just strip the values as in the following? It seems to work fine even with comma separated values
function ConfParser.parse_line(line::String)
parsed = String[]
splitted = split(line, ",")
for raw = splitted
if occursin(r"\S+", raw)
clean = strip(raw)
push!(parsed, clean)
Also stumbled upon this, for me unexpected, behavior, especially since loading and saving the conf again introduces silent data loss (everything behind a whitespace w/o comma)
@grhartl Indeed that's not great. I'm not too sure what's the intention was here :
My guess was to split values by comma (not sure if that's in the ini specs) and filter out possibly resulting whitespace values.
foo = 1,2 -> [1,2]
foo = 1, ,3 -> [1,3]
I would maybe just remove that whitespace cleaning part, what do you think ?
Thanks for the fast response. As far as i know there are no offical, uniform ini specs.
Imo moving filtering to the user makes those case more work for the user, but would solve this issue. I would lean towards parsing and saving as literal as possible .As another example, someone may (even if rather brittle) want to index a specific element by position? From my perspective, I would consider the data loss a bug, while the parsing of ", ," is a design choice up to you.