
Results 21 issues of yode

Why make such a choice to use a `return 1.0 / 0.0;`

I want to record Maxwell's equations. I write it by \unicode{x222F} now, but it is very ugly ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10048069/154067375-b7606d90-2d5a-471c-bf16-b28bc1198655.png)


I am in *Windows 10 Subsystem for Linux*.This is my current situation: ![](http://i.stack.imgur.com/UZzzZ.png) I think this is caused by those fonts.So I'm using your this method: ![](http://i.stack.imgur.com/0RSsy.png) to install those...

I have dig your project some times. I can use your code by Cmake method and no building method both. But it give a bad result for me. Maybe this...


I'm in Windows 11. If I use version with Pycharm 2022.1.3, then I cannot use the code autocomplete. I have to install version Hope to fix quickly


## 📚 Documentation There is an example [here](https://kornia-tutorials.readthedocs.io/en/latest/image_matching_adalam.html). I note it is normal in the CPU, but it will report bug when the CUDA is available. ``` import matplotlib.pyplot as...

I'm newer of kornia. As the title, [this example](https://kornia.readthedocs.io/en/latest/applications/image_registration.html#) in the official documentation cannot run normally. Could your me a right version? ps:I'm in the newest version 0.67

Would you like to upgrade the project to be compatible with newer library versions and Python version?

While some types of Mermaid diagrams explicitly support notes, I don't know why graph and flowchart don't support, I have a habit to make such graphs, and I currently use...

Type: Enhancement
Contributor needed
Status: Approved
Graph: Flow
Status: Awaiting PR