I would like to try these ideas out on a fork if that makes more sense, and merge it later. Currently, sympl assumes that the arrays inside the state dictionary...
Currently, the documentation do not mention Wrappers or how to use them. This must be fixed.
When UFW wraps a `TendencyComponent`, it should be considered an instance of `TendencyComponent`. However, sympl currently considers it both a `TendencyComponent` and `ImplicitTendencyComponent`, which ends up calling a TendencyComponent with...
The gray longwave component in climt had a tendency which did not define its dims. Since this property is available in the input_properties of the component, one would imagine that...
I will add some constants for CO2 and CH4 at least before we release this version.
RRTMG SW has both "shortwave" = UV and visible and near IR albedos that need to be set. This needs to be documented better.
It is useful to have netcdf component that accumulates over the interval between writes to file.
The `Instellation` component is not present in the component documentation, and needs to be added there.
Currently the tests are not comprehensive enough to catch corner cases such as different atmosphere variable like `eastward_wind` and `northward_wind` being on different grids, or strange dimensions like non-rectangular grids....
A PR is currently open to change the initialisation to be more predictable, allowing us to run all tests and be able to use NetCDFMonitor stably. However, the design...