
Results 343 comments of Joshie

It didn't however: ``` C:\Users\joshu\Desktop\Code\xenia>python3 --version Python 3.7.4 C:\Users\joshu\Desktop\Code\xenia>python --version Python 3.7.4 C:\Users\joshu\Desktop\Code\xenia>xb setup '""""' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. ERROR:...

``` C:\Users\joshu>where python C:\Users\joshu\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\python.exe C:\Users\joshu>where python3 C:\Users\joshu\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\python3.exe ``` I regret installing it from the Windows Store πŸ˜›

Thanks, I will try some things out. I should have said that this is just a random community creation I spawned, so I have no control over what it does....

I also have the issue where with some of these creations (not this one) the constraints end up making the object go to NaN with some tugging. The game is...

Hmm, it holds up fine with Havok (Havok by name, it is actually IVP + Havok Constraints) I'll try playing with the jolt constants more, and see what impact it...

> That's because IVP (Ipion Virtual Physics) was not using a linear solver. Makes sense, I didn't think of that.

It is not available publicly.

Interesting! I will hook this up to a convar and try it out

Queue flushing like this is not really a vendor specific action, so ye, should see the impact on radv too