Jose Luis Leon

Results 16 issues of Jose Luis Leon

## 🐛 Bug report ### Current Behavior When a promise is returned in the `onSubmit` function and this promise is rejected, the rejection is not propagated. It seems the promise...

Component: Formik

Hi, I'm using `spring-data-r2dbc` and the [extension mechanism]( from `r2dbc-postgresql` to create a codec for a custom Postgres range type: ```sql CREATE TYPE timetzrange AS RANGE (subtype = timetz); ```...

status: waiting-for-triage
status: feedback-provided
in: r2dbc

Hi @vojtechhabarta, First of all, thanks for this awesome library! It works really great, and the high customization level makes it great for any project. 🎉 As described in the...

#### Environment - __Package version(s)__: @blueprintjs/datetime2 v0.5.6 - __Operating System__: Windows 11 - __Browser name and version__: Google Chrome v105.0.5195.102 #### Code Sandbox N/A #### Steps to reproduce 1. Create...

Domain: tooling
Type: question

Add an extension mechanism that allows users to add instances of `Assertion` to the logic within the `expect(..)` function. These are added in the form of a `Plugin

I have read check documentation: I have downloaded the latest cli from: I have executed the cli and showed it below, as cli describes the problem better than...

Add the scaffold for the `@assertive-ts/native` plugin.

This library has been deprecated and is no longer maintained. It will not receive any further security patches, features, or bug fixes and is preserved here at GitHub for archival...