
Results 70 issues of JonnyTech

Can anyone see what is wrong with the following code? ``` package; import flixel.FlxState; import flixel.addons.plugin.FlxScrollingText; import flixel.text.FlxBitmapText; import flash.geom.Rectangle; class BlahBlah extends FlxState { override public function create():Void {...

My ISP is blocking all of the hosts built into the app, can the ability to add custom hosts be added?

Using a TfpgGauge of kind gkPie and BorderStyle set to bsNone still has a border. I see in fpg_gauge.pas: ``` procedure TfpgBaseGauge.SetBorderStyle(AValue: TBorderStyle); begin if AValue FBorderStyle then begin FBorderStyle...

Is it possible to implement a (reverse) direction property to gauges? Pies only build up clockwise and bar types from left / bottom. Would really like anticlockwise pie direction and...

Is the project able to work with ARMHF for Raspberry Pi? Very simple test code: ``` program ogtest; uses sysutils,onguard,ogutil; const CKey:TKey=($DE,$AD,$BE,$EF,$CA,$FE,$BA,$BE,$FA,$CE,$FE,$ED,$B1,$6B,$00,$B5); var regcode:TCode; begin InitRegCode(CKey,'RegStr',EncodeDate(2022,12,31),regcode); writeln(BufferToHex(regcode,SizeOf(regcode))); end. ``` Compiles...

I am not a microphone guy, and use the RF Explorer to scan for wifi congestion on the 2.4G and 5G bands. Is is possible to adapt this software to...

Play Store has version 3.3 ( but the releases page here on GitHub only has version 3.2 - is it an official build and can you make it available here...

I am getting an error message when executing the convertor: ``` $ as3tohx -v source_dir target_dir converting AS3 src: /home/user/source_dir to Haxe src /home/user/target_dir Called from ? line 1 Called...

How does this project compare with ?

Does SD Maid's AppControl support multiple users in the Android work profile created by apps such as [Shelter](

c: Core