
Results 33 comments of Jojii

@mtshrmn I'd like to see this feature in the official ncspot application!

Which Os do you use? Run `cat /etc/os-release` and paste the output.

I agree. I've already encountered this issue but unfortunately I don't want to change the API since it could break existing programs. I'm going to add a new version of...

This is currently out of scope. There is a new, undocumented, API which you could use but this can be changed later at any time. For a V2 I'd like...

This is not really an issue. There are cases where furigana can't be properly generated since the kanji readings don't allow the given composition (日 does not have a に...

I don't like the idea to cross check furigana with the sentences. Those are user generated, and as you already stated, they (can) contain errors. In that case Tatoeba can...

> Attaching files sent into the bridged room means that you can attach a file by sending it into the bridged room. Receiving attachments is not implemented yet.