Johnson yue

Results 65 issues of Johnson yue

Hi, thank you for your sharing. I have a question about your pretrained model of stylegan. Suppose you're using stylegan2 , as your readme file and config.json, You used stylegan2...

Hi, thanks your sharing ,I want to test about **Digital watermarking** Would you provide some tutorial for this part in readme or somewhere? thank you

Ubuntu 1804 tensorflow-gpu == 1.15.0 cuda 10.0 +cudnn 7.6.1 when I trained the model with MNIST dataset by using : `python3 --config codes/mnist_digit_config.json` and I got a model But...

We need xformer or flash-attention support for ‘mps’ devices, it can be speed up attention layer inference time 3-5 times !!!!

pytorch version is very very import!!! I test some repo for re-implement stylegan-v2 but all failed and then they never update。。。。or fixed bugs I wish you code will working and...

Hi, thank your code。Could you tell me the speed and VOC2007 mAP of this re-implement model?

Hi, train 64x64 dataset with your code . But it failed , and I test something ,like D network and loss Here is my result: 1. sn_projection Discriminator is good,...


Hi, I followed your twitter and blog, 1. finetune a stylegan2 model on cartoon dataset and got cartoon-model 2. blend-models 3. generated a lot of pair data which contain ffhq_model(fake...