Johnson yue

Results 65 issues of Johnson yue

Hi, I read your newest version paper (v3) in arxiv, and i saw that add MSG_styleGAN information, I'm glad to see it , but I have some question about paper... I think input feature x , the shape of **x** is (BS, C, H, W) and the shape of **y** is (BS, 1, H, W) so the output of...

rt。Do you plan to implement with pytorch?? Or someone want to try??

Thank you very much for sharing you code . But when I test, the inferece time for lenet or pvanet didn`t speed up. But accuracy is very lost.

More general for any image size

remove redundant code for class_to_idx Can you provide a finetune code ??

Hi, your tutorial is very helpful to me!!! Thank you very much. I read your code many times, and I found it is not include __How to Save Model__, as...

### 📚 The doc issue How to run colossal AI in background?? I was link the remote GPU , when I used `nohup colossalai run --nproc_per_node 1 --config configs/colossai/


I watch you code and see you code using inpaintG, not using ResnetGenerator I want to know is Inpaint G better than ResnetG??