Johnson yue

Results 65 issues of Johnson yue

Hi, I think there are some question about use Harmonization, but those can not fix my problem , and the answer is blur. So I make a new issue. How...

Hi, thank you provide a code for Dual Contrastive Loss, and is it useful for performance on FFHQ dataset?? and did you add self-attention and reference-attention in D?

Hi, thanks your code , the paper is said that diffusion model can not reverse the image so , how to reconstruction input image like Fig8 in paper ??

hi, I trained the DAN model and got good performance , but when I predicted with pretrained model there is a error : `forward() missing 1 required positional augument: 'text'...

Hi, this me again. I have an question about __reg_loss__ . The total_loss should be equal to __reg_loss__ + softmax_loss ,but I do not know how to get __reg_loss__ ....

Hi,your code is very interesting , but I don't know about Lua , Can you implement this code with pytorch?? Thank you

Hi , I fixed just mount specified GPU device , and I have simple way to use gpu like: `docker run --runtime=nvidia -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0,1' --rm -it -p 8500:8500 tobegit3hub/simple_tensorflow_serving:latest-gpu` this...

Hi, my model is work and every is ok. thank you. But in my test case, I found some bugs. 1) Usage of GPU memory: My model is resnet-50 and...

I 'am not sure this is right or false!! please check it , thank you