Johncy Arul A

Results 4 comments of Johncy Arul A

{,i)=>{ console.log("the image url is"+item.BannerUrl); }) } I have to display item.BannerUrl in Image component.The url is passing required times to item.BannerUrl.But i am not getting the images.It shows...

Am not able to use this npm for social auth.Nothing is working fine. I did all steps mentioned there..Its outdated

mediaData I am passing the data dynamically. but, changes are reflecting only in first slide. ![schedules]( Someone please tell me, what is wrong. if i give static, its working fine!

actions.js: **************** export function login (credentials) { console.log("actions/login called");debugger return async dispatch=>{ await fetch("url",{ method:'POST', body:JSON.stringify(credentials), headers:{ "Content-Type":"application/json" } }).then( res => { console.log("res.json:"+res.json());debugger res.json()}) .then(async(response) => { console.log('Success:', response);debugger...