Johannes Doberer
Johannes Doberer
Current situation: If you update a search param where node templating is available the node will not be notified. Expected: Pass the updated search param(s) to the node viewUrl.
Currently we do not use our client-support-angular lib in e2e-test-app. We should use it for fetching the context etc.
We have no statistics how many test coverage we have for our e2e test app. -> show statistics for e2e test coverage Ideal we also can combine statistics of unit...
Investigate (and implement) how we can provide patch releases for older Luigi versions.
TBD Most of our dependencies are not up to date. How do we update all these deps? - lerna - angular in e2e-app ... How can we ensure to be...
Currently travis is running on `12.18.4`. We should increase the version. Also our package-lock files still contain `lockfileVersion: 1`. We should go for v2
Currently the **_internalLinkManager** in core api use postMessage to execute core functionality. (This makes no sense) It's more or less a copy of linkManager in client. Solution: Provide a "real"...