Thank you for your return. Our version of swig was and is still 4.0.1. I've tried to add `SWIG_CGAL_FORWARD_CALL_2(void,insert_constraint,Vertex_handle,Vertex_handle)` in Constrained_triangulation_plus_2.h. The first insert_constraint works but the second one raises...
I've got a new track. Our project is using a fork of cgal-swig-bindings developed by Logilab : https://github.com/logilab/cgal-swig-bindings On the actual Head of official cgal-swig-bindings, I've reverted the commit https://github.com/logilab/cgal-swig-bindings/commit/d423fe33ab33a6cbcba0246b6acd943501bf138a...
We found this workaround which works : `cdt.insert_constraint([va.point(), vb.point()])` I hope it can help anyone who encounters same problem. For us, this issue can be closed.
Nice and addictive game ! Do you know if this workaround still works with le latest versions of libgdx, robovm, robovm-bindings and GPGS ? My problem is that if I...