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GooglePlayGames not signed using an Apple submission certificate
Since the itunesconnect interface changed I can't submit any update of my app. Here is the error I am getting:
ERROR ITMS-9000: "Missing or invalid signature. The bundle '' at bundle path 'Payload/' is not signed using an Apple submission certificate."
I've tried to update RoboVM, revoke and create new certificates/Provisioning profiles but nothing changes.
Any idea on why is this happening?
Also experiencing this issue.
Did anyone managed to solve this ?
I have the same issue. Any solution?
I found the solution! : The latest update google has done to their iOS SDK 1.7.1 has fixed up everything except for the final GooglePlayGames.bundle which is available in the outdated GooglePlayGames iOS SDK v3.0 As soon as that SDK gets updated, we should be able to use this plugin and validate properly.
As for now you can do it manually by deleting the "GooglePlayGames.bundle/GooglePlayGames" binary. It won't affect anything since it's just derived data. Works Perfectly!
Trying joehannouch method I was able to upload it to itunesconnect, but the app failed the Apple review because:
"The app opens a web page in mobile Safari for logging in with Google plus, then returns the user to the app. The user should be able to create an account or log in without opening Safari first."
Guess that this is a never ending story :(
Did anybody found a solution?
Hey Alessandro, I have to ask, Does your Google Play Login start immediately after the game starts? Or the user has to press a certain button in order to sign in? I guess that your issue lies in the fact that the app opens for the first time and immediately takes the user to the browser in order to sign in making it look like he "needs" to sign in, in order to even play the game (i know it's not the case, but from a user experience point of view, it looks like it), if you put your initialisation code on button click, you might prevent a rejection. Let me know how your sign in code is implemented.
Thanks joehannouch for the quick heads-up.
We were using an initial popup asking the user to login (which isn't required). We replied to Apple review team asking if removing the initial popup will resolve the problem, I will let you know when the answer. Thanks again
Here is Apple response:
Thank you for your response. We understand that the login is not required to access game play. However, per the 10.6 guideline logging in to Google plus outside of the app is not acceptable with or without the pop-up.
It would be appropriate to make the necessary changes to your app before resubmitting.
We look forward to reviewing your revised app.
Hey there,
Is there any progress about this issue?
Personally i switched to GameCenter, Apple must be very happy about this...
I managed to publish a game with GPG. I was surprised that Apple agrees. There are still bugs in GPG (eg it is impossible to close the leaderboard screen). If you want to see :
Nice and addictive game ! Do you know if this workaround still works with le latest versions of libgdx, robovm, robovm-bindings and GPGS ? My problem is that if I delete the binary "GooglePlayGames.bundle/GooglePlayGames", the Robovm exportation fails with this error message : [ERROR] ld: framework not found GooglePlayGames. Thanks in advance for advice.
It was still working for me some month ago.