Auto GPU config: Number of processes: 14 Number of processes on GPU 0: 14 Number of processes per GPU: 0 Found path: /home/user/.ai2thor/releases/thor-201909061227-Linux64/thor-201909061227-Linux64 Mono path[0] = '/home/user/.ai2thor/releases/thor-201909061227-Linux64/thor-201909061227-Linux64_Data/Managed' Mono config path...
"$ python main.py -n1 --max_episode_length 1000 --num_local_steps 25 --num_processes 2 --eval_split tests_unseen --from_idx 0 --to_idx 120 --x_display DISPLAY --max_fails 10 --debug_local --learned_depth --use_sem_seg --which_gpu 1 --sem_gpu_id 0 --sem_seg_gpu 0 --depth_gpu...
Hello, I could get SR thanks to "Evaluate results for valid sets" But, I wonder how to know the goal condition success(GC) at the result of the validation set. Please...