FILM copied to clipboard
It did not work after "Resetting Thorenv"
Auto GPU config: Number of processes: 14 Number of processes on GPU 0: 14 Number of processes per GPU: 0 Found path: /home/user/.ai2thor/releases/thor-201909061227-Linux64/thor-201909061227-Linux64 Mono path[0] = '/home/user/.ai2thor/releases/thor-201909061227-Linux64/thor-201909061227-Linux64_Data/Managed' Mono config path = '/home/user/.ai2thor/releases/thor-201909061227-Linux64/thor-201909061227-Linux64_Data/Mono/etc' Preloaded '' Display 0 'LG ULTRAWIDE 34"': 3440x1440 (primary device). Logging to /home/user/.config/unity3d/Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence/AI2-Thor/Player.log /home/user/anaconda3/envs/FILM_ver2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/ UserWarning: size_average and reduce args will be deprecated, please use reduction='mean' instead. warnings.warn(warning.format(ret)) ThorEnv started. instruction goal is examine a grey bowl in the light of a lamp self.goal_idx2cat is {0: 'Knife', 1: 'SinkBasin', 2: 'ArmChair', 3: 'BathtubBasin', 4: 'Bed', 5: 'Cabinet', 6: 'Cart', 7: 'CoffeeMachine', 8: 'CoffeeTable', 9: 'CounterTop', 10: 'Desk', 11: 'DiningTable', 12: 'Drawer', 13: 'Dresser', 14: 'Fridge', 15: 'GarbageCan', 16: 'Microwave', 17: 'Ottoman', 18: 'Safe', 19: 'Shelf', 20: 'SideTable', 21: 'Sofa', 22: 'StoveBurner', 23: 'TVStand', 24: 'Toilet', 25: 'Bowl', 26: 'FloorLamp', 29: 'None'} Resetting ThorEnv
I stuck at 'Resetting ThorEnv' I use one GPU for this FILM project. Do you think that using only one GPU is a cause ? If not, please give me some advice to address this situation.
Hi,I want to ask how you solve it.Because I also meet the problem.I will appreciate you if you can give me some advice .
Hi,I want to ask how you solve it.Because I also meet the problem.I will appreciate you if you can give me some advice .