hi, The ichorCNA determines that the gender of a sample is female, in fact, the sample is female,my shell is: ``` Rscript /PUBLIC/software/CANCER/Software/R/R3.4.0/lib64/R/library/ichorCNA/scripts/runIchorCNA.R \ --id P10413356170719 \ --WIG P10413356170719.final.wig \...
hello --maxFracCNASubclone=MAXFRACCNASUBCLONE Exclude solutions with fraction of subclonal events greater than this value. Default: [0.7] The Frac. CNA Subclonal: 0.99 of my result is 0.99. My window is 1000000, the...
Hi, I called CNV using GenomeSTRiP software, I analyzed the CNV data via plink(v1.07) --gfile command, and in the only results plink.gvar.summary FIELD and VALUE columns , what is the...
hi I run plink v1.07 Association mapping with segmental CNV data: regional tests the EMP1 and EMP2 of every region is 1 my vcf is ``` #CHROM POS ID REF...
hello, I used the following codes to install the mlab in conda python2 env and successfully installed: ```conda activate python2 conda activate python2 pip install numpy pip install scipy pip...
hello~ About the arguments pseudo-snps ,How much should it be appropriate for WGS,WES and targeted cancer gene panels?
Hi I run FACETS and get the results: ``` chrom seg num.mark nhet cnlr.median mafR segclust cnlr.median.clust mafR.clust start end cf.em tcn.em lcn.em 1 1 479 79 0.0965351900685901 0.0403774889537343 14...
hello, when I run sip-up , the Error is Segmentation fault. And there is no output. Usage: snp-pileup vcd-file output tumor_bam normal_bam thank you best~
hi, In the output cncf file, the column mafR , what does the size of the number mean?Is there a relationship between the size of the number and the imbalance...