hi, Gavin I am sorry for such a long time without feedback. yes, this sample should be male, and the ChrY coverage fraction of this sample is 0.001975. Other male...
hi, Gavin ichorCNA/scripts/runIchorCNA.R Line 166 loadReadCountsFromWig function function (counts, chrs = c(1:22, "X", "Y"), gc = NULL, map = NULL,centromere = NULL, flankLength= 1e+05, targetedSequences = NULL,genomeStyle = "NCBI", applyCorrection...
hello do you us plink v1.07 ? Regards
Hi, I also run it by plink v1.0.7, both EMP1 and EMP2 are 1. I am puzzled. My shell is: ``` plink-1.07-x86_64/plink --cnv-list genomestrip.cnv --map plink.cnv.map --fam genomestrip.fam --cnv-intersect glist-hg38.dms...
Thanks for reply. I set snp.nbhd=100, I think Facets choose a SNP sites every 100 point (like chrom1:100,chrom1:200,chrom1:300 ...),but the start and end from the cncf are not the multiplier...
Thank you, I kown the tcn.em=1 and lcn.em=0 is in LOH state.