Bernd Prünster

Results 22 comments of Bernd Prünster

I might be able to provide some more context. Using Kotest 5.1.0 on a kotlin multiplatform project, including an Android and an iOS target and `FreeSpec` tests, some of which...

Well, for me, AutoFill does not work within WebApps… nothing shows up to unlock my password database. How'd you get it to work? Any specific settings required? > Android 8...

Thanks! Personally I don't require bolds, so for me it's fixed…

Odd… the original MR has the export added. see:

FYI: since we depend on it, we've already [wrapped this code and published it on maven central]( Our main motivation was to make it easily configurable and play well in...

ZXing does not work well with our pipeline. Also, it's really large and we only need a fraction of its functionality. Something smaller and simpler would be a better fit.

This is a tricky subject. We required some workarounds to package it even as a UMD module, which is partially rooted in upstream bugs. See: We'd very much appreciate...

WASM still fails, because even `runCatching` does not catch a runtimeException for an expected IndexOutOfBoundsException when checking for tags. Help would be much appreachiated.