Ivan Kuznetsov

Results 7 issues of Ivan Kuznetsov

Prepend 0x04: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Technical_background_of_version_1_Bitcoin_addresses#How_to_create_Bitcoin_Address


Hello :wave: The `mint` function in `UniswapV2Pair` allows to deposit unbalanced amounts of tokens. I.e., if current ratio of reserves is 1:1, nothing forbids depositing amounts in ratio 1:2. To...

This PR adds [tfsec](https://github.com/tfsec/tfsec) as a hook. Since `tfsec` works with folders, not files, I had to extract directory paths from file paths. `uniq` removes duplicate paths, and `require_serial: true`...

Hi, I have a YAML file containing multiple K8s resources. One of the resources contains `data` attribute with a config from a monitoring service. The config has multiple lines commented...

Hi, I was experimenting with ERC721Tradable and noticed that it extends ERC721Enumerable, which is an optional extension according to [EIP-721](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-721). The extension maintains three indexes to allow: 1. Finding all...

Over here: https://github.com/wunderlist/clj-bugsnag/blob/28aa693d548720fb36e1adfd968e413639be30e8/src/clj_bugsnag/core.clj#L64 This is an en dash (–) which is not present on keyboards (at least in standard layouts). This causes problems when you want to access the field's...