Jason Maréchal

Results 19 issues of Jason Maréchal

Currently minizip-ng is get through CMake fetch_content_declare. This works but "promote" minizip-ng to first party for CMake build system. An official port of minizip-ng (not to confuse with unofficial port...


If a consumer use pre-built binaries to use Antares lib they are expected to provide dependencies Sirius and Ortools. This patch allows consumers to define ANTARES_INSTALL_DEPS. Antares will then add...


- Require https://github.com/rte-france/or-tools-rte/pull/13 and new release - `set(ortools_REF ${ORTOOLS_TAG})` is open to debate. For now I suppose ortools-rte and google/ortools to have the same tags, but this allows some differences...


A client (i.e.) using find_package(Antares) is required to provide Sirius since sirius is a hard dependency We should either provide the dependency (not just the .so but a way to...

# Description Expose `Antares::Solver::ObjectModel::Library Antares::Solver::ModelConverter::convert(const Antares::Solver::ModelParser::Library& library)` # Implementation details Convert a Library resulting from yaml parsing to a library in the context ob ObjectModel Use builder pattern to construct...


Ful exemple of the parsing + conversion to model of a libraryDefault value for expressions


Study path with spaces can lead to error if the CLI interpreter assume the path being multiple space separated parameters. - Surround study path parameter with double quotes - Update...
