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[ANT-2206] yaml to model
Expose Antares::Solver::ObjectModel::Library Antares::Solver::ModelConverter::convert(const Antares::Solver::ModelParser::Library& library)
Implementation details
Convert a Library resulting from yaml parsing to a library in the context ob ObjectModel
Use builder pattern to construct complexes object such as library and models
Declaring a lib ModelConverter as the same level as ObjectModel and ObjectParser prevent either from depending on both. Conceptually they're independent from each others
Defines two ValueType enums in two different contexts. Allow for diverging evolution
- ANT-2228 Gérer les exception de champs superflus
- ANT-2230 Gérer les champs optionnels
- ANT-2233 Pour les valueType, gérer la capitalisation
- ANT-2233 value_type pour les Parameters
- ANT-2235 contraintes et binding_constraints
- ANT-2236 Constraintes et expressions, inadéquation models/yaml
- Ports are not handled in the scope of this PR/ANT-2206